• Happy Birthday To Me
This is me, Sergio Benvindo De Souza aslo and mostly known as "Junior"
Born in the small village of "Casa Nova" where 4000 people live, In the Brazilian halfdesert.
Here celebrating my 2:nd birthday!
Thank's Everyone for bombing me with Birthday wishes, I do really appreciate it!
Your kind words and your presens in my life is a reward itself. Let's Celebrate THAT!
There were songs recorded on my voice mail, E-mails, FACEBOOK, present and OY...
I am very proud and humbled by the thought of where i come from and the ground
where i am blessed to stand today. I got a chance and i am making most out of it.
It's with great emotions i thank all of you for contributed to who i am today, Ridiculous!
Much Love,
Little Boy J from the hoods
• To Whom It May Concern
• Is This Clean ?
Today is one of those day where everything is kind of boring UNTIL i
decided to wash my clothes... It is Bananas. Never have i ever.....
I never do it because obviously i do not know HOW to.
I'm not ashamed. I googled it and "bam" i was back on track.
80 minutes of retarded behaviour captured on camera.
i actually tried to see how long a sock could get, all i say is: really loooong!
But oouh, get this!
I found all my kid stuff down here and among them i found my favorite "teddy"
DONALD DUCK, i cuddled all the childhood memories out of that thing...
Now i need to get a movie to watch!
• Last night was
• All sorts of crazy....
• Ough Ough
Hey dudes, i am off to the party and I am happy with my choice of outfit!
It's on another level. I found this awesome necklace it gorgeous and that
made all the difference and I am inaugurating the sweater that I made myself.
You’ll get a peak now and I’ll show you the entire outfit tomorrow.
Hopefully I form of a picture from the party otherwise we might have a problem ;)
• Fête
Or as the jews call it "Shabbat" ;) Tonight is gonna be amazing, i can feel it!
I will be checking out for hot outfits...
Missing the party, come back soon...
• My dear friend Ninni, at blog awards last year. Check her blog out! •
• Lentement
• Jon, Marry Me !
The March issue of Esquire Spain features an special editorial with Spanish supermodel
Jon Kortajarena Entitled “Kortajarena” and shoot by Sergi Pons with styling by Chabela Garcia
The fashion story show case the best looks of the season.
• Moi
I made myself a pot of coffe and realized that April 27:th is my birthdate.
I need to figure out something to do for my birthday, Just something !
Sad to throw a prefectly good day away, right?!
• Vman
I've been reading this months issue of "Vman" and it's such a glorious magazine!
Let's face it, we love pretty pictures but the stories and interviews are equally good.
Artistically I feel like this is one of the few men's magazines that are mentally stimulating.
This is the only time this week when sun, coffee and reading becomes a "soul feeder"
note: Givenchy footwear is bananas, to fucking die for!
• Juste comme j'ai pensé
Went to my hairdresser the other day and thought i would upgrade my doo.
It felt like i wanted samthing more "out-there", more strict and fun!
This is what we came up with, a really fun and maybe not something all
them other guys have. It's har to ajust to it though but i do love it!
• Sex & The City 2
Det har går 2 år sedan "Sex & the city the movie" hade premiär på bio.
En film som drog in över 400 miljoner dollar världen över.
Succén har bidragit till ett stort hemlighetsmakeri över uppföljaren
som har premiär nu i maj, medvärkande i productionen har blivit
bokstavligen munkavlade enligt avtalen de tvingas skriva på.
- "Du skulle inte tro på mig om ja sa vad som stod på mitt kontrakt"
sa Charlotte (Kristen Davies) i en intervju men rykterna går om
att vi kommer få se en oväntad graviditet, ett livsavgörande beslut,
ett förhållande i kras, ett homobröllop, otrohet och extremt snygga kläder.
Djävulen bär prada har använd klädbudget på 1 miljon dollar, jag tror att
sex and the city 2 toppar det och slår konkurenterna.
En månad innan premiären av uppföljaren släpps nu en trailer som avslöjar
mer om filmen. Jag har sett trailer 20ggr nu och jag längtar tills filmen
kommer ut....
It has been 2 year since "Sex and the city the movie" premiered in theatres.
A movie that made over 400 million dollar worldwide witch is impressive.
The success has created a huge buzz about the sequel that premieres this
year i may. Every single detail about the sequel is kept very secret.
The members of the productions has been legally "hushed"
Charlotte (Kristen Davies) said in an interview:
"You wouldn't believe me if i told you what my contract says"
but if you want to believe the rumours we are going to see an
un expected pregnancy, a life changing decision, a break up, a gay wedding,
infidelity & a lot of amazing clothes...
"The Devil Wear Prada" has the current record with a 1million dollar costume budget.
I am sure this movie is going to top that, easily. All designer wants to get
an outfit in this movie. It's enormous and based on everything that is FASHION.
With only a month before the premiere they release a trailer giving us a sneak
peak on the movie and it is FABULOUS. I have seriously watched it 20 times
and i cannot wait any longer until the movie comes out!
Zhukov Dance Theater
Georgeus pieces by Yury Zhukov & Hlín Diego for Zhukov Dance Theater
Really wanna do these pieces AGAIN...I'm in there, can you spot me ?
• Les Mec Pour Suivre
Finally got a copy of the Dorian Magazine where i am featured in this months issue.
The are covering "4 ones to watch" which is so exiting and a huge push to work harder!
I am really happy with this picture too. Awesome! Thanx to Dorian for the recognition...
Go and get a copy of the magazine now now now.
Check out their website Dorian Magazine Online
• Je Deteste Les "Fatties"
Karl Lagerfeldt is more than just Chanel's head designer and artistic director.
He's an icon in fashion and now he's using that fame to promote himself as "a celebrity"
through Coca Cola. He's limited edition bottles will be sold on Lafayette & Collete (galleries)
for 47 Euros. The entire project is awesome and i love the bottles even though
it carries a self-destructive subcontext
Lagerfeldt is a fan of the skinny silhouette, that is no secret!
I remember reading that he lost 90pound/40kg in 2001 on a ridiculous diet.
Coca Cola Zero and steamed vegetables. Yes, such a genius !
By the way
• "Au Lieu De Lui"
• Lama Lo?
This guy is sending a serious message; Weave me alone !
We can joke all we want but there's some serious fashion in this picture.
keep your furhats and the gurlying irons, IT'S COMING BACK!
- In love with this picture, It has such a great vibe to it! Denim Schmenim...
Had so much fun in Tel Aviv, If haven't been there yet...GO NOW.
Thank's for a great time puppies, Let's go back soon and make a mess
...A hot mess !
• 31/3
- But 'll be fine!
I am so sad i had to leave Tel Aviv. That city needs rehab man...
I met alot of lovely people and i and we shared so many beautiful moments.
Can't wait to go back again and fulfill my soul yet another time, SoulDrugs...
Ladies And Gentlemen, This blog is officially back in business !
Got so much exiting to tell y'all. Let's start soon, we go alot of stuff to cover...
Swedish Starbucks...
Swedish Starbucks is devine!
I stressed like crazy today with My overweighted bags. Packes and unpacked and repacked...a complete mess but i managed to get it from yesterdays 28kg to 21.8kg i am yes, very proud! Now i am at The onöy Starbucks in Sweden and watching a movie and drinking my favorite "Java Chip Frappucino"
Au-revoir Oslo! I...
Au-revoir Oslo!
I thought i would warm up my vacation mood by going to Oslo for the weekend, fantastic and exiting... Tomorrow is à new day at the airport. Destnation: Tel Aviv, Jiiiihaw!